You have to believe it, to see it.

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity."

Sunday, November 29, 2009



I once read somewhere that eighty-five percent of people acquire their current job through the recommendation of a friend. This is contrary to the misguided belief that the proper way to find a job is constructing resumes, internet searches, classified searches, emails, faxes, persistent phone calls, and so on. Rather, the true secret to successfully conducting a job search is to treat your entire life as an interview. That is, realizing that the vast majority of people find their jobs as a result of establishing a meaningful connection with another human being, you should focus on presenting yourself to the world in a way that is consistent with the type of job opportunity you would like to attract.

What I am saying here touches on a principle that I have elaborated on in previous articles which is that of being preceding doing, which, in turns precedes your having that which you have desired to have. This same wisdom has been captured in our culture in the saying, "fake it 'til you make it." This is simply another way of saying that you must learn to be that which you want to be before you can indeed be that which you envision yourself to be.

Recently I have been studying one of the great iconic figures of the twentieth century, Muhammad Ali, and came to realize that this was something he understood well and lived every day in his life. If you are a student of history, black history, or even boxing history, you should well know that long before the world came to acknowledge him as the "greatest of all time" he consistently- and often to the chagrin of the world- proclaimed himself to be that. All that he was doing was faking it until he made it. In other words, Ali understood that in being in his own mind (or at least constantly trying to convince himself that this was true) that which he eventually wanted to become, he would initiate the thoughts consistent with this state of being, which would, in turn, lead to him doing actions that the greatest of all time would do, which would in turn lead to him having all that the greatest of all time would. He understood quite well the mechanics of manifestation, as evidenced by what he manifested in his own life – him becoming the greatest of all time.

So, in your own life, if you are to have the life of your dreams, you must learn to be that which you want to eventually become right now. Therefore, if you eventually want to become, for example, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you must right now begin to present yourself to the world as if you already were the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, in terms of your overall self-presentation to the world of dress, speech, and manner. Projecting your future into the present will only have the effect of the world responding to you as that which you are projecting, and before you know it, "the future" will merge into your present reality.

Going back to our initial point about how most people find their current job through a friend, and therefore, all chance meetings should be treated as interviews, means that being that which you envision yourself becoming will lead to you attracting people that are currently in the position which you would someday like to be. Think about it. People that present themselves to the world as thugs attract other thugs; people that present themselves as athletes attract other athletes; hippies attract other hippies; and so on. Therefore, the way in which the law of attraction (like attracts like) applies to your job search is that if you learn to be that which you seek, that which you seek will be attracted to you. Thus, the best advice I can give you in your job search is to learn to match your current dress, speech, and manner with that of the type of position you would like to be in, and certainly you will attract the type of people that are currently doing that type of work (they will want to connect with you because your overall styles in life are consistent with each others) to you.

It has been said that the great philosopher Nietzsche's entire philosophy can be reduced to the importance of style. This point that I am trying to make about how people will matching styles are drawn to each other in life is the essence of what I am trying to say about life as an interview. Every type of employment can, in a sense, be evaluated in terms of the overall style of the people that are in that type of environment. What type of dress is required in the position you want to attract? Is it suit and tie? Is it t-shirt and jeans? How do people speak in the position you want to attract? Do they speak the king's English? Do they speak broken English? What kind of mannerism to these people have? Are they upright and dignified in their manner? Are they harsh and abrasive? All of these things are part of what I mean when I speak of the style of a position. If you can successfully evaluate the style of the position which you would like to attract to yourself, and learn to mold yourself into that style, you will find that the only people that are drawn to you are those whose style (because they are in that position you are seeking) matches your. And from there, it is only a matter of connecting with the new people which you draw into your life, and flushing out the way in which these relationships can be beneficial to all parties involved, the least of which is your own financial life.


Lets Win Together!

From Rajeev Kumar

Sunday, November 1, 2009



 (The story is in bold letters)

In the city of Supratishthita a scene of great animation prevailed. Everywhere surging crowds were gesticulating, shouting, talking. On the market-place a group of Brahmans were engaged in a dispute about the various interpretations of the holy books ; a band of chanters were intoning the sacred hymns of the Vedas ; in a corner gamblers were enticing victims to their net by reminding passers-by of the treasure that may be won by the successful gamester; in another corner a knot of merchants had met together to discuss the science of money-making. "Would you like to hear the history of my commercial career?" asked one of the merchants of his fellow-traders. " I am the son of a merchant," he continued, as they assented, "and was born after my father's death. My mother, who was robbed of all her property by unscrupulous relatives, brought me up by dint of great industry and much self-sacrifice. So poor were we that I was instructed in reading and writing by the charity of a kind teacher. Then one day my mother said to me, ' You are now old enough to begin to earn your living. You must choose a trade. In this country there lives a very rich merchant named Visakhila, who has means enough to lend money to young men of good family to give them a start in life. You must entreat him to put you in the way of beginning some business.'

Q. 1.  Is any man altogether " self-made "?

A. - In a country district it might be possible for a man to make his fortune starting empty-handed, by adopting the same plan as the mouse merchant in taking some natural product of the country which belongs to no one and selling it, etc. But in a town this would be impossible, for nothing of value has no owner in a city, and so, except by dishonest means, a man of no possessions whatsoever could not possibly obtain the wherewithal to find food and clothes, much less start a trade or business.

So-called " self-made " men are numerous enough, but few, if any, are entirely self-made, most of them having had money or goods given or left to them, no matter in how small a quantity, with which to begin, and but for charity in the way of food or clothes, few of these would have lived through the early stages of making their wealth.

Q. 2.  What circumstances were against the boy ?

A. (a). He had never known a father, and no amount of intimacy with other mature men could teach the knowledge that comes, perhaps unconsciously, from living under the same roof as one's father.

(b). His mother was robbed of her property, and consequently must have been too preoccupied at times to think of her son's upbringing, probably just at the time when he needed most attention.

(c). He was forced to start his career before his ideas had had time to settle.

(d). He had no one to help him in choosing his career.

(e). He had to visit the wealthy merchant as a beggar with the prospect of being indebted to him for many years.

(f). He had no training for any business, and no influence to help him.

(g). He had no money or property with which to open a business.

(h). He must have felt himself a burden on his mother, and later must have felt her a burden on himself, even though he was repaying her a debt.

(c), (d), (e), and (g) should be considered as advantages and not as disadvantages in his case. But, since he was exceptional, I have changed their position, placing them under the category of disadvantages, as they would be to the ordinary boy.

Q. 3. What circumstances were in his favour ?

A. (a). He had a generous and devoted mother.

(b). He was given an education of sorts, when none was to be expected.

(c). Starting life thus early he learned to act for himself and to form his own judgments, so that at the age when most boys are only beginning to feel their feet he was already a map.

"So I went to his house full of hope, but made my entry at a most inauspicious moment, for at that very instant he was saying to a youth who was engaged in an interview with him : *Look at that dead mouse lying on the floor. Why, if you had brains, you might even make money out of that ! But you, blockhead that you are, actually have not been able to keep the money you received from me, much less increase it!'

Q. 4. Is it usually a token of brains to be able to make money get money ?

A.  As a general rule it requires a man of brains to make money get money, especially in trade and commerce ; and from the earliest times it has been considered a clever performance to do so. Moreover, the older the world grows, the harder money-making becomes, owing to increased competition, and still more does it indicate the active brain to make money get money. But it does not always follow that a man who has made a fortune is indebted only to his brains for it. For instance,  in stock broking and insurance there is a large element of luck which plays as important a part as brains in the success of such a venture, wherein anyone is as likely to succeed as a clever man.

Q. 5. Is it an advantage to a boy to have money to start in life ?

A. This depends on the boy's character, whether he be a spendthrift or thrifty, well trained in the value of money, spoilt, or brought up sensibly. To a normally educated boy, mentally balanced and destined to earn his own living, a moderate sum of money is a decided advantage in saving him the drudgery of poverty during his early days, thus leaving him free to devote all his energies to furthering his education, and so making for quicker promotion. But to one not so self-controlled money obtained otherwise than by work is apt to lead to various extravagances and ultimate indolence and uselessness.

" When I heard this, a sudden idea seized me and I exclaimed : ' I will take that mouse from you as my stock in trade.' So saying, I picked it up off the floor, wrote him a receipt for it, and departed with my prize, to the great amusement of the merchant.

Q. 6. Did the boy show business-like qualities here ?

A. Business-like qualities were shown in the prompt seizing of the opportunity and the attention to detail in signing a receipt for such a trifle. But he acted rashly in making the merchant his creditor

even by so little as a mouse, for he had no notion at the time what he could do with it or how he could repay the debt. Business-like though he was, luck was on his side, for no one can know beforehand whether a given opportunity is the chance of a lifetime.

" Now mark the progress of my dealings with the mouse. " First I sold the carcass to a merchant as cat's meat for two handfuls of barley ; then I ground down the barley and procuring a pitcher of water, I took up my stand at the cross-roads where there were some trees to shelter me from the sun, just outside the city. A group of woodcutters passed by, so I politely offered them the water and the barley, which they gratefully accepted, for they were parched with the midday heat, and each in return for my proffered refreshment gave me two pieces of the wood he had just cut.

Q. 7. What qualities necessary for successful business did he display in this transaction ?

A. He knew where to sell the carcass profitably, and having done so knew how to create a market for his barley. He had the imagination necessary to advertise his goods in the right place and manner and at the right time. And most of all he had an original idea and brains enough to carry it out successfully.

" Well, I took all these pieces of wood to the market, where I sold them at a good price, purchasing with part of the money so obtained a further quantity of barley, and taking up my stand in the same place to supply the thirsty woodcutters again with water. This I did every day, the men continuing to bestow on me in return pieces of their wood, till in the end I had collected wealth enough to buy up all the timber the woodcutters had felled during three days. Fortune once more favoured me, for suddenly there came a great scarcity of wood throughout the land owing to the heavy rain, so I disposed of all my stock of timber at an increased value, and with the gold thus gained I bought a shop, where I have since prospered exceedingly. Then I remembered my former benefactor who had put me in the way of all this advancement, and making a mouse of gold, I carried it to him as a present, to recall to his mind the youth who had one day come to ask his help and had taken no aid from him but the carcass of a mouse.

Q. 8. Had the young man cause to be grateful to the merchant ?

A. He had very little reason to be grateful to the merchant, for the latter had not troubled himself about the boy at all, except in letting him take away a carcass which was of no value to himself. He had not even suggested how the mouse could be made to get money, so that little credit attached to him for the bare idea.

'*He was so impressed by the story of my progress that he paid me the greatest honour he could bestow on me : he gave me his daughter in marriage, and in consequence my fame spread abroad through the land, where I am known to all by the name of the mouse merchant. So from small beginnings can come great consequences, if only one has the wit to seize the opportunity." When the merchants who were gathered round him heard this tale they could not help applauding

the ability which, without a solitary coin in the world, had advanced to so high a station.

Q. 9. How would you sum up the mouse merchant's character ?

A. He was plucky in starting on his own without support, impetuous in seizing the first opportunity that offered without weighing it previously, shrewd and imaginative, ambitious and quick to act, philosophical in making the best of his bad luck and not giving way to bemoaning his fate, generous and grateful to his benefactor, boastful and wrongly proud of his achievements, estimating his own ability too highly and not giving due credit to the kindness of Fortune.

Q. 10. Was he fortunate or did he make his own good fortune ?

A. He was fortunate in that some unknown power prompted him to try his luck with the mouse's carcass, but once that was done he contributed largely to his own good fortune by his capacity for business and his ambition, which led him into making something like a corner in timber, when once again Fortune favoured him. And then once more he helped himself by opening a shop which prospered, thanks to his own energies.

Q. 11. Is imagination necessary to make a good man of business ?

A. Few men could build up a successful business without imagination, for lacking it men sink into ruts from which they cannot escape, their energies fail, and they become machines, with fatal consequences to their business. This is what occurs in long-established firms where new blood is seldom introduced, with the result that younger houses, managed by men of ideas, spring up and take away the custom of the older and routine-bound. Still more is imagination needed in the case of firms starting some new business—that is, a business that has never been attempted before—for since there is no experience to guide the pioneer, everything connected therewith must be imagined before being put to the test. Imagination is the most important quality necessary to a successful undertaking. Our merchant possessed it. Once the idea of the mouse's carcass had taken hold of him he imagined the whole scheme : selling, advertising, reselling, and so on, until he was wealthy enough to purchase a shop.

Q. 12. Does success in business depend as a rule on extraordinary talent and originality ?

A. The owner of a business is far more likely to succeed if he possesses originality which suggests new methods than if he plods on in the hackneyed style of the everyday world. So also a brand-new kind of employment, if sound, is more likely to prosper than a new method of an old kind of business in which there is keen competition. These cases both apply to the owner. But in the case of employees, it is not always the man of talent and originality who gains promotion, though in many cases these qualities will lift a man out of his turn over the heads of others not so original but quite as industrious.


The answers to the questions in the above text are by a young Cambridge graduate who was about to enter upon a commercial career. Students may compare and contrast the general character of these questions with those set by Professor Hugo Munsterberg, of Harvard University, in a volume intended for the practical business man,* and may select from Professor Miinsterberg's test questions a dozen which they consider as comprehensive and searching as those in this text. They may also analyse the same Professor's dictum that " all business is ultimately the affair of minds. It starts from minds, it works through minds, it aims to serve minds," and trace how far this proposition is illustrated by the Hindu merchant's career.

* Business Psychology, by Dr. Hugo Munsterberg. Chicago » 1915.

(Q. 1). We all make or unmake ourselves.Our pride admits the former fact, but refuses to go further and admit the latter, generally ascribing the unmaking to unfortunate circumstances. Hindu religious philosophy teaches that every individual is born with powers and tendencies which are the result of his deeds in past lives ; that no man suffers through another's sin, or gains happiness through another's mediation. In this sense, therefore, every man is self-made.

(Q. 10). According to Hinduism, the youth was reaping the result of his good deeds in previous incarnations. Man can be neither fortunate nor unfortunate by chance, since everything is the effect of a cause. The doctrine of Karma eliminates the idea of chance ; but it does not do away with the doctrine of Free Will ; in fact, what is Karma but the accumulated result of Free Will?

(Q. 11). Students may compare what is here asserted regarding the necessity of imagination in business with Professor Miinsterberg's opinion that " No business life is really successful which is not aided by some kind of imagination. Nobody lives from the satisfactions of the present only. Anticipated joys of the future are the chief motives to action. Every successful life is, after all, a life with a life plan."

Lets Win Together!

Rajeev Kumar

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Top 10 Richest Person In The World 2009

1) The American investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet is worth an estimated $62 billion, up $10 billion from a year ago thanks to surging prices of Berkshire Hathaway stock, according to Forbes magazine's annual ranking of the world's billionaires. 

2) Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim Helu was named the world's second richest man, with a net worth of around $60 billion, up $11 billion since last March. 

3) Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, is now ranked as the world's third richest person. At $58 billion, his net worth is up $2 billion from a year ago. 

Bill Gates
4) Steel giant Lakshmi Mittal placed fourth with 45 billion dollars 

Lakshmi Mittal
5) Petrochemicals tycoon Mukesh Ambani placed fifth with 43 billion dollars 

Mukesh Ambani
6) Anil Ambani at sixth position with 42 billion dollars 

Anil Ambani
7) Ikea store chain owner Ingvar Kamprad was seventh at $31 billion 

Ingvar Kamprad
8) Property magnate K.P. Singh came in eighth on the list, with a fortune estimated at 30 billion dollars.K.P. Singh
9) Aluminum giant Oleg Deripaska was ninth at $28 billion 

Oleg Deripaska
10) Aldi store chain owner Karl Albrecht was 10th at $27 billion 

Karl Albrecht

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Millionaire Mentality -- according to J. Paul Getty

The Millionaire Mentality -- according to J. Paul Getty

I believe in learning from those who have succeeded. When it comes to profits, I study the writings of those who are great successes.

J. Paul Getty was one of those. He made big money in oil exploration, and made another fortune in art collection and evaluation. In the mid-1960s, he published a book which was a collection of essays, called "How To Be Rich."

Here's one of Getty's pieces of advice…. On how to achieve the Millionaire Mentality.

Getty says that he believes that most people fall into one of four general categories….

1. Those people who work best when they are working for themselves. They don't want to be employed by anyone, and want complete independence. The don't care for the security that they get from a salaried job. Instead, they want to createtheir own security on their own, and keep their own future in their own hands. In short, they want to be their own bosses, and take the responsibilities and risks which is associated with this.

2. Those people who for whatever reason, don't want to go into business for themselves, but work best when they are employed by others and share in the profits of the business. In this category you'll find the top-flight salespeople, who like to earn a commission for everything they sell, to some of the world's top executives.

3. Those who only want to be salaried employees, who work best when they are employed by others and they enjoy the security of a good salary. They are content with receiving a regular salary with the hope of the occasional raise. According to Getty, they don't have the initiative and independence, and maybe also the self-confidence, of those on the first two groups.

4. Those who work for others but who have a consistently negative attitude towards their jobs and employers. Their motivation is low. Their work could in fact even be a drain on the businesses they are working for.

I think Getty is probably right, and you probably can divide people into these general four categories…. In the small business world, everyone talks about person of type number 1. But there is nothing wrong if you fit into one of the other categories (well, except perhaps category number 4, which isn't a very flattering category).

This gets back to what Gordon Alexander is constantly saying…. What do you want? What do you enjoy?

Getty then starts to talk about what he calls the "Millionaire Mentality." Here's what he says…..

"Like it or not, there is a thing that can be called The Millionaire Mentality. There is a frame of mind which puts an individual a long way ahead on the road to success. In short, The Millionaire Mentality is one which is always and above all cost-conscious and profit-minded. It is most likely to be found among men in the first two categories I have cited."

How to be Rich by J. Paul Getty, p. 41

There's the concept, floating around in Getty's time, and still floating around today, which says "You have to think BIG to make a profit." Getty says that no other concept has been more widely misinterpreted.

YES - you must have imagination. You have to be farsighted. You must have dreams. You have to be willing (according to Getty) to spend and risk money (OR your time - I would add). BUT only when the expenditure is justified, and the risk is carefully calculated and you can see it's worth it.

About this, Getty says….

"In my opinion, it's more important for the man with The Millionaire Mentality to be able to think small than to think big - in the sense that he gives meticulous attention to even the smallest details and misses no opportunity to reduce costs in his own or his employer's business."

How to be Rich by J. Paul Getty, p. 43.

Essentially, according to Getty, you HAVE to be profit-conscious. That means doing things like keeping to a budget. You can't just spend with an open-hand on anything you fancy. That's a big mistake some people make in business (and it's something I have to watch myself)….

I once read a story about a group of people who decided to start a consulting company. The first thing they did was rent out an office in the expensive part of town. They furnished their office with the most costly furniture. They had the highest quality custom-made curtains, the most fashionable mahogany desks, the most expensive plush carpet. It was a wonderful place to work - they spent a lot of money making sure it was so. The only problem - they had no customers. They went bankrupt in just a few months.

In some ways, Getty took his penny-pinching to its extreme in his personal life, and I wouldn't recommend that. But in your business, it's good to keep an eye on costs, and be conscious of where profits can be increased, and costs reduced without affecting those profits.

So if someone asked him advice on how to make money, this is the way that Getty would reply. Now, how can you use it yourself?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Career Counselling

Career Counselling

Career planning should be done to know what your goals are, where you stand and how far your goals are. You deserve a good salary, but you also need job satisfaction. Career counselling will help you find out what you need and what you deserve. Opportunities and hurdles will keep on coming in your life, but it is your determination to make use of the opportunities and remove the hurdles that would matter in the end.

The Career Counselling Process 

You should assess yourself before planning your career goals. Self assessment is important for knowing your own personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, interests, skills, values and beliefs. These parameters will help you in making decisions regarding your career. 

Industry Analysis

After analyzing yourself, you must explore your career options based on your interests, skills and your academic background. For the purpose you may prepare a list of options available to you and choose the best one. After you have chosen your field, you need to further explore the field and the various job profiles available in the area. You should be aware of the educational background, skills, competencies, training, experience, etc. needed to achieve your goals. 


After collecting all the information about the area you are interested in, you should develop a strategy to to meet your goals.


Evaluation is needed to assess your present status. It is important that you assess yourself from time to time to know whether your are on the right track or not. If you find that you are not on the right track you must reconsider everything regarding your career and set up new goals.

Salary Negotiation

Salary Negotiation

It is believed that salary negotiation is an art. A systematized process of salary negotiation actually helps the prospective employers in hiring the best suitable candidates. Salary negotiation, a critical and crucial step in the selection procedures also helps in filling the vacancies more quickly in bigger organizations. But the process of salary negotiation should be handled in a timely and effective manner. At the same time, it is also true that salary negotiation is one of the most under-rated and neglected aspect of the hiring process.

Tips for Salary negotiation: 

Most of the people are not aware of the right salary negotiation process. Salary negotiation needs a good sense of balance. It is quite natural that no company would afford to loose a potentially eligible candidate in today's competitive job market. One must remember that to a great extent, a candidate's present salary also determines the future salary. 

Handling Money Questions

How Much are You Worth?

How to Get the Raise You Deserve?

Pay packages differs depending on the industry standards set for different positions. You should be fully prepared before you start your negotiation process. Here is a list of some salary negotiation tips that will help you in achieving the best deal:

·  Begin the salary negotiation process only after receiving the formal offer from the company.

·  Do some research and properly evaluate the job profile and the offered pay packages in the market before you start your final negotiation process.

·  Don't lie about your previous pay package or salary.

·  When you are negotiating don't forget to negotiate about the entire offer including performance bonus and other benefits and not only the salary part.

·  It will ultimately raise your overall remuneration as expected. 

·  Your appearance and mannerism also influences your salary negotiation success rate.

·  Know your limits and always be aware of the things that are not negotiable and try to avoid those parts that will only lead to friction. Be clear and straight forward.

·  Most importantly, know about your strengths and your worth on the basis of an anecdotal information about how people having similar qualification like you are generally paid in the market. Your extra skills that you feel are important to the position will give you an extra edge.

·  Try to examine your own as well as the needs of the company. It will help you in selecting the right pay package that aptly suits your needs and qualification.

·  Exploring alternatives will help you in creating several options that satisfy everyone's needs and interests. 

·  Last but not the least, focus entirely on your objective criteria and your goal. If you have the winning tendency it will create problems in the salary negotiation process. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Peter Principle

The Peter Principle 

Bureaucracy at Work

The Peter Principle concept was describes the pitfalls of the bureaucracy in organizations witnessed during his extensive research into business organization and its management.

The Peter Principle book has attained such renown that The American Heritage Dictionary defines it as "The theory that employees within an organization will advance to their highest level of competence and then be promoted to and remain at a level at which they are incompetent." ... "In a hierarchically structured administration, people tend to be promoted up to their level of incompetence," or, as Dr. Peters Principal explained more simply, "The cream rises until it sours."

The Peter Principle is so appropriate and meaningful a lesson for business, that it has found its way into Master Degree (MBA) curriculae as a foundation for the next generation to protect itself. But it seems that this hierarchy within companies continues to be the organizational structure of choice for government and big business.

What is the Peter Principle?

Peter Principle Management is the concept that in bureaucratic organizations, new employees typically start in the lower ranks, but when they prove to be competent in the task to which they are assigned, they get promoted to a higher rank, generally management. This process of climbing up the hierarchical ladder can go on indefinitely, until the employee reaches a position where he or she is no longer competent. At that moment the process typically stops, since the established rules of bureaucracies make it very difficult to "demote" someone to a lower rank, even if that person would be a much better fit and happier in a non-management role. The net result of this principle is that most of the management levels of a bureaucracy will be filled by incompetent people, who got there because they were quite good at doing different (and usually, but not always, easier) work than the work they are currently expected to perform.


According to Laurence Johnston Pieter: Work is accomplished by those employees who have not reached their level of incompetence. Thus we can see why organizations still function even as Peter Principled employees accept one too many promotions. Laurence Peter provides an insightful analysis of why so many positions in so many organizations seem to be populated by employees who seem incompetent. This concept is likely to be ignored by most senior managers since to admit one's organization is suffering from this bureaucratic malady is admission that people have been improperly promoted. This, in turn, suggests that senior management might have attained their own level incompetence, and the problem is easily ignored, lest it become suggested that senior management be more closely examined for their incompetence.

An example:

If you're a proficient and effective software developer, you're most likely demonstrating peak competence in your job right now. As a result of your performance, your valuable contribution results in a promotion to a management position. In this new position, you now do few of the original tasks which gained you acclaim. In fact, little of your current job remains enjoyable, therefore your heart is no longer in your work, and it shows. Given this, promotions stop, and there you stay, until you retire or your company goes under due to mismanagement.

Companies will attract and expand on a certain level of incompetence. Once a company forms a culture of incompetence, only the incompetent staff will remain, and the competent ones will tire of trying to soar with eagles while surrounded by turkeys, and therefore leave.

The end result is that non-growing companies are more likely to have incompetent employees at many levels of the organizational structure whereas growing companies add new positions and employees so fast that the inevitable results of the Peter Principle may be forestalled so long as growth continues.

Management consultants who recognize that the Peter Principle is in full swing in their clients organization often recommend percussive sublimations and lateral arabesque for high ranking employees to make room for new employees, because new employees are not yet at their level of incompetence thus they can actually do the work they were hired to do which increases total output of the organization.  

Lets Win Together!
Rajeev Kumar

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7 Strategies to Build "Negotiating Power"

7 Strategies to Build "Negotiating Power"

When negotiating the final terms of complex deals, many sales pros find themselves in a situation where the customer holds all the cards.  Because you've invested time in the opportunity, and may have made quota commitments to your manager, your customers feel they can simply dictate terms.  That's a recipe for a win-lose outcome, with YOU on the losing end if the deal.

To create a win-win outcome, you must continually accumulate a counter-balancing "negotiating power" throughout the sales cycle.  Here's how it's done:

  • Strategy #1: Eliminate or thwart competitive threats.
    Convince the customer that your product or service is the only one that can adequately fulfill the customer's needs.
  • Strategy #2. Develop at least three contacts inside the customer firm.Provide perspective to your solution-building process and information about the motivations and politics inside the customer's firm.
  • Strategy #3. Show the customer your ability to see beyond the obvious.
    The customer can't know everything about the firm, much less the market, so being an "outsider" gives you the ability to see situations more objectively.
  • Strategy #4. Create the legitimacy that comes from consistency. 
    Remain aware of the strengths and limitations of your offerings, adhere to your firm's policies and procedures, and be willing to explain why they make sense.
  • Strategy #5. Position all interactions in terms of mutual success.
    A productive relationship is based upon mutual respect and understanding, and a sense of working together to achieve mutual goals.
  • Strategy #6.  Generate a solution that matches the customer's needs.
    Your value to the customer skyrockets when you help the customer to crystallize needs and visualize the right solution.
  • Strategy #7: Differentiate yourself from other sales reps.
    Communicate clearly how you, as an individual, are a unique resource to the customer and use your own unique personality to your advantage.

It's Not the Golf Course Anymore

It's Not the Golf Course Anymore

"Years ago, a successful sales rep knew how to optimize their time by 'reading' their prospects," says Rajeev Kumar in a recent post at the Modern B2B Marketing blog. "A day would be spent golfing with a good bet." But everything changed when prospects began researching their options online, thus "preventing the sales rep from deciphering the buyer's intention from their physical actions," he writes.

To compensate, a new assessment process has recently emerged: social selling. "Social selling is the use of Web 2.0 technologies merged with traditional sales strategies" to accomplish what that game of golf did in the past, He explains.

So how does this new process work? He defines "true social selling" by clearing up some common misconceptions about it:

Misconception: "Marketing tells sales when they need to work with a prospect." 
True Social Selling: "Marketing passes leads to sales, and, if needed, sales passes leads that need nurturing back to marketing."

Misconception: Sales [and marketing] must learn to use new email or other tools that require training. 
True SS: Sales can use Outlook to reach prospects, and data is sent [back] with enhanced information about opens and click-throughs [for marketing].

Misconception: Staff must go to multiple websites to get prospect contact info. 
True SS: Staff can access sites such as "Jigsaw, Demandbase and LinkedIn directly through the tools they are already using."

The Po!nt: Save golf for the weekends. By using the latest Web 2.0 tools, marketing and sales can take the prospect-to-client nurturing process to a whole new level.

Lets Win Together!
Rajeev Kumar

Top 10 things that couples must avoid saying in bed

Most of us know about the various things that turn on our partners and the small bloopers that put them off. While enough has been said about how to build the mood for a steamy pleasure session, you probably don't know about things that could spoil the pleasure once you are in the action. 


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Apart from your annoying bedroom habits, extreme intimate gestures, wrong sexual positions, disliked physical attributes; there are certain unintentional things, which, if said at the wrong time, can act as libido killers. It's evident that while having sex, there are several things on a couple's mind but the issue creeps up when couples let these things come in way of those most cherished moments and thus end up killing the passion.


It is rightly said that sex is the art of love and it must be done in the most enjoyable and most satisfying manner. To enjoy this intimate and private activity, couples shall let go of all their apprehensions, fears and insecurities. But unfortunately, the looming anxieties find their ways into our bedroom lives.


Dr. Harrybhai, relationship counselor asserts, "Sex is to be enjoyed in the present and if any partner thinks about impending things from past or future, it would act as disruption. Saying anything outside your bedroom conversations will become a deviation. Your partner might feel offended and unloved. Understand the fact that your partner will not accept anything outside your intimacy, to enter your isolated sexual moments, and hence such intrusion is highly opposed."


Top 10 things that couples must avoid saying in bed:


Are you enjoying?
This is the most common and the worst of all situations that couples come across. Though it's good to be communicative with your partner about things that are enjoyed or disliked in bed but that doesn't mean you start interrupting in between the act thus killing the heating passion.


Sex and relationship expert, Dr. Rajeevbhai says, "Asking your partner again and again to evaluate your performance and speak out their pleasure level might just leave them irked and it is a symptom of performance anxiety where you are more concerned about how the act is progressing and less focused on the pleasure quotient. You maybe either too probing whether your partner is enjoying or too anxious whether you're able to give satisfactory amount of pleasure."


Are you through darling?
Again, this is a repetitive mistake that most couples would make in bed. Sex is something you should enjoy not obligate, so treat it like a necessity of life not a duty that has to be fulfilled each time you get intimate. "If you keep interrogating your partner on whether they're 'through' with the act might sound like you're no more interested in the act and waiting for it to get over soon. It also makes your partner feels apprehensive if the sexual act is becoming a burden on you, so try and avoid being too inquisitive rather let your partner also enjoy the act as much as you did," suggests by Baba Shri Shri Harryjee, a clinical psychiatrist.

Dr. Rajeev Bhai

Monday, July 20, 2009

WHAT’S the difference between an orgasm and an apple?

Having a good old-fashioned orgasm could save your life

WHAT'S the difference between an orgasm and an apple? Absolutely nothing – because they're both supposed to keep the doctor away.

That's according to an NHS leaflet doing the rounds in Sheffield.

This leaflet suggests there's too much emphasis on safe sex and not enough on pleasure — and highlights the health benefits of regular orgasms.

Which does raise the question of whether regular sex really is good for you or not.

After all, sex is one of those subjects, like booze or chocolate, which is always hitting the headlines — and is either a lifesaver or a killer, depending on which way the wind is blowing.

Certainly, the health benefits of regular rumpy pumpy are aired more than the average set of bedsheets. Top of the list is "sexercise" — the idea that horizontal jogging is a proper workout.

"Take more exercise" is something doctors are always banging on about.

But does banging on the headboard count? Probably not. Because health gurus reckon the amount of exercise we need is about 30 minutes per day at least five days a week.

Unless you're in a charity bonkathon, that's a target you're unlikely to meet. In fact, the average lovemaking session only uses about the same energy as climbing a couple of flights of stairs. Having said that, on the exercise front, every little helps — so don't let that put you off.

Besides, regular sexual activity — including DIY — is linked to other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men.

It has other big advantages, too.


It may reduce pain caused by migraine, arthritis and back trouble, boost your immune system and lower your blood pressure. Also, what goes on below the belt may help what's going on between your ears — a healthy sex life is linked to improved self-esteem, better sleep and reduced tension.

But what about the health hazards of regular humping? There are a few.

Unwanted pregnancy is the obvious one. Then there are sexually transmitted infections, with effects ranging from minor inconvenience through infertility to death. And there are lesser known scenarios where a "healthy sex life" can backfire.

Recurrent "orgasm headache" is one — it's a type of migraine most common in men which makes their climax more "Aaaargh!" than "Ooooh!"

It's not all good news on the prostate front, either. Have a PSA test — a blood test looking for signs of prostate cancer — within a couple of days of orgasm and the result may be artificially high. That's enough to wipe the smile off your face and cause you some serious worry.

And what about the old chestnut that blokes with dicky tickers might find a legover means their life's over?

Here are the facts — and they're reassuring. The odds of a healthy 50-year-old having a heart attack mid-bonk are two in a million — in other words, nearly zero. If you're a dodgy cardiac case, the chances increase ten fold — but ten times nearly nothing is still nearly nothing.

So, on balance, I'd say sex is good for you. But then I would, because I'm a bloke.

Of course, many of the benefits may be linked more to being in a happy relationship rather than simply to the number of orgasms you have per week.

Whatever. It's much more fun than an apple a day.

Lets Win Together!